Monday, November 27, 2006

My MBA Expedition

Right from my school days I had an interest towards MBA. May be it was a mere attraction which didn’t drive me to go for MBA after my bachelors in leather. In the second year of my professional career we got a new General Manager appointed. I slowly got attracted towards his professional life-his approach to a problem, planning, Follow up etc, he was very systematic in his work. He was new to leather industry but the zeal with which he approached the work was simply amazing .If I was in his position I would have got bogged down by a single reason that I don’t know about leather but he learnt the crux in a very short period of time. In the course of time I realized that I have stopped learning and I strongly felt that I need a change from the routine life. I always wanted to upgrade myself and to be active in whatever role I assume. My inner feelings got the strength as my interactions with G.M increased & as he was exactly like what I want to be. I started questioning myself what to be done that could bring a change in me. In the process of exploration I got the answer as MBA.
My expedition started off in a good way Though I started math preparation a month b4 joined the GMAT classes in the month of September & prepared for 2 ½ months. Gave the exam on 22nd November but got a low score .If I was in my old frame of mind then I would have got bogged down with this result &started thinking about other alternatives. Though I was little upset initially now I have gathered my focus to prepare again with a new zeal. In the past five months I have learned lot of things which will surely be my intangible assets. This journey has started off in a good way with mixed experiences & I will continue to post my experiences as my expedition continues